Few ways of clearing your sofa in London

Is your old sofa no longer working for you? Yes? Do you know how to get rid of it? No? Well, there are various ways of getting rid of that old sofa to create room for your new stylish one. Do you want to get into problems with the local council or neighbors for poor disposal of your old sofa?

Having ordered your new sofa and waiting for delivery, make plans to have the old one taken away. Some people living in London may not know how to get rid of their old sofas. This article covers the basics of getting rid of an old couch in London.

How Do You Remove Your Old Sofa?

Local Council Sofa Collection

If you don’t dispose of your sofa correctly, the local council is likely to charge you. It is illegal to dump waste items such as old sofas on private and public grounds. Local councils levy hefty fines on people who break this law.

Essentially, you can make arrangements with the council to collect the old sofa for a small fee. The local authority encourages visiting the government website for large-item waste collection. Alternatively, you can take the old couch to the local council. Most councils run recycling and household waste centers.

Donation to Charity

At times, the sofa may be old for you but still functions for others. It is prudent that you donate the sofa to charity. The trust can use the sofa to raise vital funds for their various research.

Simply reach out to various foundations online to have someone come and collect the sofa. If you are not aware of any charity to donate to, call your British Heart Foundation store. Its staff is on standby, ready to help pick the sofa up and send it to any charity of its choosing.

Note, though, that the sofa should still have its fire safety labels attached. Being in good condition, the charity can choose to place it on sale right away.

Serviced Sofa Disposal

While local councils charge a small fee, charities collect the sofas for free. However, there are dedicated companies that dispose of old sofas for a premium fee. Don’t let what the firms do with the old couch after collection bother you. They are expert handlers of the old sofa.

Unlike most sofas that end up in landfills, these companies give the old sofa a new lease of life. There is no waste of the valuable resource or letting it cause damage to the environment.

Through various strategic partnerships, the firms take the sofas to various disposal centers. It is here that the sofas go through recycling and repurposing. The result is possible minimizing of the sofa’s impact on the environment.

The collection process involves choosing your preferred service company and paying. Inform the firm of the collection date and time, preferably when the new one is coming in. The professionals take out the old sofa for recycling, just in time for the coming of the new one.

Final Take

Whichever old sofa clearance method best works for you, make sure you do it safely. Don’t risk fines by poor disposal. Where possible, engage sofa clearance London service providers to come in. In any case, charities are always in need of support with such furniture. Support them the best way you can.

JunkBGone is London’s leading waste removal company. We handle all types of domestic and commercial waste 7 days a week including bank holidays. Our teams are professionally trained and vetted to ensure excellent customer satisfaction. We are fully licenced company that provides rubbish removal services throughout London. We’ll do everything for you: lifting, loading, and cleaning the rubbish area. One of our key principles is to protect the environment by creating enhanced recycling processes. Currently we recycle more than 80% of all materials we collect, and any intact items will be offered to charities. We strive to provide best customer satisfaction rate at some of the most affordable prices you can find in London.

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